For Daniel Wagner, being a physical therapist (PT) is a lifelong dream come true. Playing soccer, running track and working with PTs to rehabilitate injuries of his own, he knew from a young age that he wanted to follow a similar career path to have a positive impact on others. “As I made my way through school, my interests became more refined and I found that I wanted to work specifically with people with disabilities,” Daniel shares. At REHAB’s Aiea outpatient clinic, Daniel works with orthopedic and post-surgery patients, as well as more complicated cases such as spinal cord injuries, strokes and rare neurological diseases. “I enjoy the diversity of patients we see because it challenges me and encourages me to keep learning new things to refine my practice,” Daniel says.
The diversity of patients isn’t the only thing Daniel appreciates about being a part of Team REHAB–the technology REHAB provides makes all the difference in how he is able to help patients in their recovery. “I come from a manual PT background, so I wasn’t used to employing machines in my treatment,” Daniel shares. “But I had a patient with a prosthesis who was nervous to walk, and by incorporating the LiteGait machine [weight-bearing assistance machine for fall-free therapeutic activities] into their therapy, they were able to build not only their strength but their confidence to walk again on their own.” Daniel recalls that this was a breakthrough moment where he saw in real-time just how important having access to the right technology can be for a patient’s recovery. "I'm grateful for the investment REHAB makes in the latest equipment, technologies and staff development and training, because ultimately we are investing in the wellbeing of our patients.”
If there’s one thing Daniel always strives to keep at the forefront of his time with patients, it’s positivity. While training to become a PT, he had a mentor who showed him the power of positivity in a patient’s recovery, and it’s something he’s never forgotten. “[My mentor] was super positive in the way she treated people and listened to patients–it was really inspiring to see that, and since then I strive to be the same way. It makes a big difference.” Whether it be bringing the good vibes to a therapy session or pursuing the most up-to-date physical therapy methods, Daniel does it all for his patients. “Working with patients is the best part of my day,” he shares. “I love talking to people and getting to know their stories. Seeing the progress people make and helping them get better–that’s what it’s all about.”