Upcoming Meetings:
August 6, 2019 I 10 AM - 11:30 AM I REHAB Hospital of the Pacific, Frear Cafe
Attention Care Plus
Attention Plus Care, a home care service provider will share how they assist with changing personal and health care needs for individuals of all ages. Whether for you or a loved one, finding the right home care can be overwhelming especially with Honolulu’s growing elderly population. For those who are searching for alternatives, Attention Plus will answer questions to help make the right choice.
October 1, 2019 I 10 AM - 11:30 AM I REHAB Hospital of the Pacific, Frear Cafe
REHAB Strong Program Demo
Our REHAB Strong/Lifestyle and Wellbeing Program is designed for individuals who aren’t quite ready to jump into a gym setting yet, but want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Our Health and Lifestyle coordinator, Kory will share info about the different REHAB Strong clases being offered and will present a demo of our
strength and balance class, which helps improve overall strength and physical health. Kory will answer any questions about programs that are available to you.
Violet Horvath, Director of the Pacific Disabilities Center will speak about the Hawaii Neurotrauma Registry Project. The project’s three main goals are: 1) enroll as many Hawaii residents of all ages with neurotrauma injuries into the registry (which consists of taking a survey); 2) educate the public about neurotrauma injuries; and 3) provide information and referral service for all residents with these injuries, regardless of whether or not they choose to take the survey.
Introducing our New Recreational Therapist, Heidi Caldwell
Her passion is making others laugh and smile! Heidi enjoys performing improv and stand-up comedy. In her free time, she likes going outside to enjoy nature, trying new places to eat and pursuing fresh experiences. Heidi has a BA in Theatre and Communications and an AA & Masters in Recreation Therapy. She came from the Skilled Nursing Population at Kalakaua Gardens and Hale Ola Kino. Welcome Heidi!
Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
August: 8/6/2019
October: 10/1/2019
December: 12/3/2019
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To ensure that you get the most up-to-date Stroke Club information, sign up for our e-newsletter! You’ll be the first one to know about any Stroke Club related news and info ASAP.
To sign up for the Stroke Club e-newsletter, please contact:
Melissa Mullen, Patient Experiences Manager
Email: melissa.mullen@rehabhospital.org
Ph: (808) 566-3741