Monday, April 30, 2018
There are many distractions that can impede your ability to drive safely as you age. Everyone can benefit from practicing these tips to remain safe on the road!
- Get the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep each night.
- Be aware of how your body and mind are changing. Seek medical attention as concerns arise.
- Keep your car in good working condition with regular maintenance check-ups
- Know your limits and avoid driving in difficult conditions (e.g. driving at night, on freeways, etc.)
- Listen to the concern of family and friends.
REHAB’s Drivers Program provides a comprehensive evaluation to assess one’s ability to continue driving or return to driving. Our team of Driver Rehabilitation Specialists are trained to recognize the impact of aging, disabilities and other risk factors that may limit the ability to drive safely. For more information on REHAB’s Drivers Program, visit https://www.rehabhospital.org/programs/drivers-program.